Seeking heroin treatment for addiction is a lifesaving decision and an essential first step in recovery. Although heroin use is still on the rise in the United States, only about 1 in 10 people who suffer from heroin use disorder end up seeking and receiving help at a heroin treatment center. If you or someone you care about is suffering from heroin addiction, do not hesitate.
To learn more about options and cut through some of the confusion and mystery around drug addiction treatment, contact Naaman (Naaman) to speak with a professional addiction specialist. It’s easy. Call 888.541.9239 or fill out our easy online form.
Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin Addiction
Anxiety about giving up a substance on which you have become physically and psychologically dependent is normal. Demystifying the withdrawal process is necessary. Learning more about safe ways to detox is also helpful for those who want more information about beginning the recovery journey.
For someone who is addicted to heroin, the body begins withdrawal within 48 hours of quitting the drug. When the body is no longer taking in heroin, it is working hard to cleanse itself of the drug, which it perceives as a toxin.
The most common heroin addiction withdrawal symptoms include:
- Intense drug cravings
- Profuse sweating
- Fever
- Rapidly cycling moods
- Violent tremors
- Muscle cramps and spasms
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Agitation
- Depression
- High blood pressure
Benefits of Medically Supervised Detox
Most heroin treatment centers either have a medical detox on-site or partner with one nearby. At Naaman, our heroin detox center offers 24-hour professional care overseen by physicians and managed by a team of medical practitioners who ensure your safety.
The benefits of medical detox are many, such as:
- Medical detox mitigates the worst of your symptoms because you can get medications that can ease pain, nausea, agitation, or any of the other frightening and challenging side effects of withdrawal.
- This treatment ensures that any underlying health concerns are dealt with. Many people who struggle with addiction do not receive regular medical care. Therefore, undiagnosed illnesses, either medical or mental, can emerge as the body withdraws from heroin. Physicians and other medical staff on hand will be able to handle any complications that arise.
- Medical detox prevents overdose and suicide. Nearly a quarter of those who go through heroin withdrawal will consider or attempt suicide. There is no opportunity or means to harm yourself in a rehab setting, and therapists help you process and heal. Overdose is also common when people detox at home because returning to the same dose after the body is clean or partly clean can be dangerous. The absence of heroin in medical detox precludes this outcome.
- The treatment gives you a much greater chance of long-term success. Evidence shows that residential detox under physicians and other medical professionals results in much better recovery outcomes over time.
If you are anxious about the withdrawal symptoms of heroin, call us today to learn how our heroin treatment center can provide you with the safest start to your recovery journey. At Naaman, compassionate care, evidence-based practices, and years of combined professional experience are standard.
Find Your Heroin Treatment Center at Naaman
Your heroin addiction withdrawal symptoms will be a distant memory when you end your rehab with Naaman. After your medical detox, you can choose inpatient treatment or do an intensive outpatient program or other options. In any case, Naaman will ensure that you receive the best and most cutting-edge treatments available. The first step is usually the hardest, but if you let us help you, you won’t be alone as you take it.
Reach out today to speak to one of our professional staff members. We can answer your questions and help you think about your recovery journey, starting with detox. Fill out the online form or dial 888.541.9239. You are not alone.