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What Are the Different Types of Alcoholics?

An alcoholic is defined as a person who suffers from alcohol use disorder. This disease was at one time known as alcoholism, which originated from a person’s intense and uncontrollable need to consume alcohol regardless of its harmful effects.

Just as every person has their own unique characteristics, there is no such thing as a “typical” or average alcoholic. However, the National Institute of Health has characterized several distinct groups or types of people who struggle with alcohol addiction. In other words, a person with this condition is unable to control how much they consume and cannot stop.

Naaman is a faith-based addiction treatment center focused on patient recovery and sobriety. Our addiction specialists understand the different types of alcoholics and developed programs to meet each person’s needs at every stage of addiction. If you or a loved one suffers from alcoholism, reach out today to find out how addiction treatment can help you turn your life around toward a lifetime of sobriety by calling 888.541.9239.

5 Types Of Alcoholics

A person suffering from alcoholism spends a significant amount of time thinking about alcohol. It interferes with their home life, work, relationships, and finances. While these are generalizations, alcoholism does not impact each person in the same way. To further study the impact of alcohol, researchers have defined several categories based on age (actual age and age that they began drinking), family history of alcoholism, and the co-occurrence of other mental health disorders.

1. Young Adult

This category is the largest single group of people who experience alcohol addiction and ranges between 19 and 24. They are more likely to engage in binge drinking and typically develop dependence yet have low rates of co-occurring disorders.

2. Functional

A “functional” alcoholic makes up nearly 20% of the alcoholic population. These individuals typically develop dependence in their mid to late 30s. They are functional in the sense that they successfully navigate through life while still suffering from addiction.

3. Intermediate Familial

Those alcoholics in this group have typically started drinking at a much younger age and are likely to have immediate family members who drink excessively. They are more likely to suffer from other mental health disorders.

4. Young Anti-Social

At a young age, alcoholics in this group have a propensity for anti-social personality disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, and OCD.

5. Chronic Severe

Although this group has the smallest percentage of alcoholics, they typically experience the most severe effects. These effects include problems such as dependence, depression, dysthymia, anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. They are also more likely to experience addiction to other drugs.

Those who suffer from alcoholism may do so for a broad range of reasons. However, no matter your age, family history, or predisposition, alcoholism has significant long-term effects on your physical and mental health. Some people with a family history of alcoholism may be more susceptible to a particular type of addiction or co-occurring disorder than others.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment For Everyone

Alcohol addiction does not discriminate by age, sex, or race, and neither does addiction treatment. At Naaman, we make treatment options available to anyone, no matter their type of alcoholism, stage of addiction, or ability to pay. To ensure recovery and long-term sobriety, our addiction specialists utilize a broad range of treatment options, including:

  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Counseling and therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy

The longer an addiction is allowed to persist, the more difficult it is to break the destructive behavior patterns. If you know someone who may be susceptible to alcoholism or demonstrates signs and symptoms of being an alcoholic, do not hesitate. Get them the help they need right away.

Learn More About Naaman

Alcoholism is a serious, potentially dangerous, and life-threatening disease. While some factors may determine susceptibility or vulnerability, such as age or family history, no one is immune to alcohol addiction risks and challenges.

Our team of experienced addiction specialists provides faith-based treatment options for every patient at our treatment center. Learn more about how you can start on the journey of recovery and sobriety by contacting Naaman at 888.541.9239 or completing the online form.

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