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The power and effectiveness of prayer in addiction recovery are being reaffirmed across the country in numerous recovery settings. In fact, almost three-quarters of rehab options in the US include faith-based addiction treatment programs. Whether part of a 12-step program or used in a residential addiction recovery center, prayer can play an influential role in your recovery.

If you seek professional treatment for addiction and want to engage in a faith-based program, reach out to Naaman (Naaman). Faith-based treatment has been at the core of our mission since our founding over sixty years ago. We can answer your questions about prayer in addiction treatment and other ways we incorporate spiritual practices into our programs for those who seek a faith-inspired path to recovery. Call 888.541.9239 or use our online form.

The Power of Prayer for Someone on Drugs

There have been studies conducted about the efficacy of prayer in recovery. Prayer has numerous benefits to those who struggle with addiction. Prayer centers the mind and helps people of faith feel closer to God and relinquish control to Him. There is some evidence that devotion to daily prayer can help people avoid relapse.

Some of the benefits of prayer include:

  • Mitigation of anxiety and depression
  • Enhanced contentment and satisfaction
  • Relaxation of mind and body
  • Improved emotional stability and health
  • Heightened gratitude
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Mindfulness

When you begin recovery, you may find yourself facing the damage done by years of addiction. As you face broken relationships, financial challenges, and a compromised career, prayer can help you regain and retain hope. It can also help you rebuild your sense of self-worth and believe that you have options for a promising future.

Prayers for Addiction

The prayers that work for you will depend on your religious or spiritual background and beliefs. Still, many prayers address something greater than yourself. Prayer is at the heart of 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, which has always used prayer to battle addiction. The Serenity Prayer is well-known and goes like this:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Participants in 12-Step programs often report that their cravings for drugs or alcohol abate after speaking this prayer and others.

The Recovery Prayer penned originally by Abby Willowroot reaffirms strength: “Today, I heal my body, my mind, my spirit, my life. Drugs are a part of my past; they are not part of my now, they are not part of my future. Today, I am clean. Today, I am clean and free. I am becoming strong one second at a time, one thought at a time, one action at a time. I am learning how to live and to be the best part of me today. Today, I am clean and free.”

Seek Faith-Based Treatment at Naaman

When you are enrolled in a faith-based treatment program at Naaman, your care will be infused and informed by spirituality. You will be able to listen to sermons for addiction as well as speak prayers for addiction both on your own and in the community.

All our evidence-based therapies are available for those enrolled in the faith-based treatment program, including individual counseling, group therapy, holistic treatment, and a wide range of behavioral and trauma-informed therapies. We offer treatment options, including:

  • Alcohol addiction treatment
  • Heroin addiction treatment
  • Cocaine addiction treatment
  • Meth addiction treatment
  • Opioids addiction treatment
  • Prescription drug addiction treatment

For more information about the faith-based addiction treatment program at Naaman, reach out today. Dial 888.541.9239 or complete our online form.

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