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First initiated in 1999, National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD) is always recognized during the first full week of April. The goal of NASD is to raise public awareness that alcohol abuse and addiction are treatable disorders. If you or someone you love has concerns about an alcohol use disorder (AUD), you can take advantage of confidential screenings. If you have an alcohol addiction, there is an alcohol rehab in Rehrersburg, PA that can help you.

Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge (PAATC) offers evidence-based therapies for AUDs. If you want to leave alcohol use behind and begin recovery, learn more about PAATC’s alcohol rehab in Pennsylvania by reaching out today. Call 888.541.9239 or use this online form to connect.

National Alcohol Screening Day

Nationwide, approximately 1,500 screening centers are open to the public on National Alcohol Screening Day. You will be asked to submit confidential self-assessments and are then matched with healthcare professionals who can counsel you about your alcohol use, inform you about alcohol-related disorders, and, if relevant, advise you about where to seek treatment.

In NASD’s first year, in 1999, more than 50,000 people visited screening centers. Anonymous data is also collected on NASD to support the important work done by addiction and mental health professionals.

How Can You Tell if You Have an Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use is very normalized in our society. Therefore, it’s often hard to tell the difference between use and abuse. Weddings, holiday dinners, retirement parties, and everything in between often include alcohol, which is legal for purchase by people over the age of 21. At the same time, it’s addictive and, when abused, can cause health problems, both short-term and permanent.

Alcohol abuse can get in the way of your daily functioning, undermine relationships, threaten jobs, and create financial crisis.

Five Things To Think About

Consider the statements below. If any of them is true for you, you may have an AUD and want to consider receiving a screening on National Alcohol Screening Day.

  • I prioritize alcohol during my day. This includes thinking about the next time you’ll have a drink and creating reasons that having a drink is OK (you deserve it, it was a hard day, you have a lot to celebrate, etc.).
  • I hide evidence of how much I drink. Perhaps you take empties out of the house when no one is around, or choose to stay home to drink alone rather than go out with friends because you are afraid you cannot control your intake and they’ll notice.
  • My health issues don’t align with my age or genetics. Do you have health conditions that cannot be easily explained except by excessive drinking? Some of these might be hypertension, liver damage, memory loss, and chronic headaches.
  • Parts of my life are falling apart. Having issues at work? Unable to focus on school? Do you notice your relationships are disintegrating? If so, ask yourself if it’s due to drinking.
  • People are worried about me. If the people you love, live with and work alongside every day are bringing up concerns about your health or specifically your drinking, there is probably a reason. They would not bring up your alcohol intake if it struck them as within the range of safe and normal.

Does any of the above ring true? Reach out for help today and consider receiving a screening from a compassionate expert on National Alcohol Screening Day.

PAATC – Alcohol Rehab in Pennsylvania

We have been helping people overcome their alcohol and drug abuse for more than 60 years. Our depth of experience, combined with a staff of expert professionals who care deeply about the people we serve, makes PAATC a premier rehab facility.

Reach out or come for a visit to learn more about our evidence-based treatments, inpatient and outpatient rehab options, and faith-based opportunities. You can fill out this online form or just call us at 888.541.9239.

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