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How Teens Can Benefit from Dual Diagnosis Treatment

The mental health and substance use risks for teens are in many ways unique to their stage of life. Though on the cusp of adulthood, their mental, physical, and psychological development are on hyper-drive, and the challenges they face in today’s fast-paced, globally-connected world are significant.

Naaman (Naaman) has been at the forefront of addiction recovery since its founding in 1958. Our mission has always been to keep a careful focus on young people’s specific needs and offer compassionate care that is both evidence-based and faith-based. We offer treatment for those over the age of 18. Learn how we can provide your teen with the care that they need with the same loving compassion that you would offer by calling 888.541.9239.

Teens and Mental Health

The teenage years are formative. Physical, intellectual, and emotional changes, and a social landscape very different from childhood all factor into the vulnerability of this age group to mental health and substance use challenges. If you factor in things like poverty or abuse, then the risk of mental health consequences rises.

Protecting adolescents from risk factors is ideal but not always possible. Therefore, it’s essential to have a safety net, including schools, churches, and extended family, to support teens, and intervene if necessary.

Adolescents who suffer from mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, are also at greater risk for substance misuse and addiction.

Teens and Drug Addiction

Teens are vulnerable to all kinds of social pressures. Peer influence is more significant at this time of life than any other. The pressure to stay thin or excel in school can lead to abuse of prescription medication. Studies show that drug use in the media influences underage behaviors, even if the drug use depicted is not by teens.

But one of the top five reasons for teen drug and alcohol use is to cope with trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

Teens and Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is the addictive substance most widely used by adolescents, and alcohol use rises by age, as does the risk of drinking until drunk. Whereas fewer than 1% of twelve-year-olds have had a drink, about 16% of sixteen-year-olds have. By the time young people hit their twentieth birthday, nearly half of them have experimented with alcohol. That rise is steep.

Underage drinkers consume about 90% of their alcohol by binging. Binge drinking and underage drinking are both significant risk factors for alcohol addiction. If there is an underlying mental health diagnosis, that risk is even greater.

At Naaman, we understand the impact that drug and alcohol addiction have on teens and their families and have designed programs and services to help start your teen on the road to recovery. Reach out to learn more by calling 888.541.9239.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Self-medicating for pre-existing mental health challenges is a top cause of underage drug and alcohol use. If the underlying mental health diagnosis goes unrecognized and untreated, addiction becomes more likely. The term co-occurring disorders, or dual diagnosis, refers to one person having two diagnoses, usually involving addiction and mental health because they affect similar areas of the brain. Between 40 and 60% of addicted individuals in the US have a co-occurring mental health diagnosis.

Mental disorders commonly co-occurring with substance misuse and addiction include:

  • Anxiety and other mood disorders
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Conduct disorders
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Schizophrenia

Only about 20% of teens who have a disorder like anxiety or depression receive treatment. Therefore, it is evident that the risk for substance misuse among teens with mental health challenges is notable.

Seek Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Teens

Experts agree that simultaneously treating co-occurring conditions is far more successful than treating one, and then the other, or providing simultaneous but uncoordinated treatment. Treating both disorders through dual diagnosis treatment is best. If one condition is left untreated, the risk of its worsening and affecting progress with the co-occurring disorder is significant. At Naaman, we do not offer dual certified treatment. However, we do offer dual-capable treatment for those over the age of 18.

An integrated treatment protocol carried out by collaborative and multi-disciplinary clinical teams allows for a consistent, patient-centered approach.

Teenagers can receive support in their journey from self-destructiveness to self-esteem at Naaman through treatment that addresses the whole person and the underlying causes. Using a professional, faith-based approach, our clinicians meet young people where they are, providing support in a safe, caring environment. All our professionals know how to treat co-occurring conditions to safely shepherd teens out from addiction and to a place where their mental health issues receive treatment, and they can return to their lives. Reach out to us via our online form or by calling 888.541.9239 today.

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