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Residential addiction treatment is a proven avenue for those who seek recovery from a substance use disorder. The intensity and focus of an inpatient rehab allow for immersion in therapies and access to 24/7 care and support. Deciding to pursue recovery at a residential addiction treatment center is significant, and you don’t need to make it alone.

Reach out to Pennsylvania Adult and Teen Challenge (PAATC) to learn how inpatient rehab works, what it entails, how much it costs, and more. Bring a friend or family member with you to visit and speak in person to a staff member who can answer your questions and show you the path forward. Right here in Rehrersburg, PA, we provide cutting-edge, compassionate, evidence-based treatment for all addictions. Our faith-based options are another path to recovery for those with strong Christian faith or who want to reconnect with their spirituality. Reach out today by completing our online form or calling 888.541.9239.

How Does Residential Treatment Work?

Residential treatment is another name for inpatient treatment. You will reside in the addiction rehab facility for the duration of your treatment, most commonly for 30 or 60 days. However, sometimes 90 days and longer is always an option. While you are in residence, everything is part of the cost, from comfortable living quarters and meals to evidence-based treatment. At PAATC, you will have access to:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Support groups such as 12-step programs
  • Mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation
  • Faith-based therapies
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy

All of those, and more, work in concert to provide you with wrap-around care that supports your whole self in recovery.

Who Needs Inpatient Drug Addiction Treatment?

There are many reasons to enroll in a residential program. Personal goals and needs can be a factor, as well as medical and psychiatric concerns. Inpatient treatment tends to be best for people with a range of conditions.

  • They have experienced relapse after a prior rehab experience.
  • The individual does not have a dedicated support group at home.
  • They live in a setting that is hard to make substance-free.
  • The individual has been diagnosed with a co-occurring mental health disorder, or one is suspected.
  • They can take the time you need from work or school to commit to an around-the-clock residential stay for at least a month.

Benefits of Residential Addiction Treatment

Seeking professional help for your addiction at a rehab facility is your best step. Whether you opt for outpatient or inpatient treatment, you will be increasing your chance of success. However, there are distinct positives about a residential addiction treatment center.

  • After medical detox, you don’t have to go anywhere or change directions. You are already in residence. As such, your treatment continues seamlessly as you switch from the detox portion of your rehab facility to the space in which you’ll reside and receive care over the following weeks or months.
  • You don’t have to worry about temptations and triggers interfering with your sobriety in the vulnerable early days of your recovery. Being entirely protected from unwanted reminders, let alone a hidden stash of alcohol or drugs, takes a huge weight off you. It’s not impossible. However, it can be hard to recover-proof your home, especially if you have roommates or housemates. Starting in residence takes that stress away.
  • You will be surrounded by a community of peers on the same journey you are, day and night, at breakfast, in classes, and group therapy sessions. During treatment, you’ll have the support and companionship of others who understand what you are going through.
  • There is a schedule you can follow. You don’t need to plan transportation to and from the center, schedule your appointments, try to fit in 12-step meetings in the mix, or work around your school or job commitments. For the first weeks or months of recovery, all you have to do is the work without dealing with time management.

Begin Recovery at Pennsylvania Adult and Teen Challenge Today

Come to PAATC in Rehrersburg and put down your burdens and stress. Let our devoted staff take care of you as you engage in the work of recovery, surrounded by people who care and understand. We can’t wait to answer your questions. Reach out today by calling us at 888.541.9239 or just filling out our simple online form.

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