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Same Day Work & Pay Program
Same Day Pay (SDP) program is a low barrier work program that involves light beautification and clean-up projects.  SDP work projects are in and around the Kensington area.  SDP provides gloves, vests, tools – participants should wear closed toe shoes.


Tuesday – 7:30 am – 12pm
Wednesday – 7:30 am – 12pm
Thursday – 7:30 am – 12pm
Friday – 7:30 am – 12pm

$50 per day worked (cash)* only 2 weeks (8 days)


Must be 18 years & older
Must live in Philadelphia

Call answering services at 215-686-1550 to get placed on waitlist or get in line at:

2755 Kensington Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19134 at 7 AM to be considered for work (first come, first serve)

Email Naaman