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Drug Addiction

Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionFaith-Based TreatmentMental Health

Prayers For Someone On Drugs

The power and effectiveness of prayer in addiction recovery are being reaffirmed across the country in numerous recovery settings. In fact, almost three-quarters of rehab options in the US include faith-based addiction treatment programs. Whether part of a 12-step program or used in a residential addiction recovery center, prayer can play an influential role in your recovery. If you seek professional treatment for addiction and want to engage in a…
Miki Finn
October 12, 2021
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol Addiction Treatment CenterDrug AddictionFaith-Based TreatmentTeen Addiction

Pennsylvania Substance Abuse Counseling

Substance abuse treatment has a checkered history. Just a few hundred years ago, the reigning opinion about those caught in an addiction cycle was rooted in judgment, as people believed that someone had a problem with their morals. There were some early glimmers of a more modern understanding of addiction. In 1784, Benjamin Rush put forth the idea that alcoholism is a disease that can be treated. However, it wasn't…
Miki Finn
October 4, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug Addiction

4 Reasons Your Child Needs a Teen Drug Rehab Center

The sad truth is, there is no socio-economic, regional, religious, gender, or ethnic group in the United States that is immune to teen drug abuse. According to some of the above categories, there are risk factors of different kinds. However, no magic, vaccine, or lifestyle can provide us with full protection against this disease. If you are worried about teen drug addiction or want to know more about teen drug…
Miki Finn
August 16, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug Addiction

When to Seek Out an Opiate Treatment Center

Recent data about addiction in the United States is concerning. More than ten million people annually abuse opioids or opiates of some kind. However, only about 10% of the people who need professional rehab receive it. If you or someone you know is in danger of becoming a statistic, it's time to seek an opiate addiction treatment program. Naaman (Naaman) offers high-quality, evidence-based treatment for opiate addiction. We would love…
Miki Finn
July 27, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsCocaine AddictionDrug Addiction

Why Cocaine Addiction Treatment Is Still Crucial

Cocaine has been around since the mid-19th century when it was first discovered to have stimulant properties. Cocaine comes from the coca plant. Experts initially perceived its use as harmless and included in numerous over-the-counter remedies, such as a treatment for cholera and, ironically, for combat morphine addiction. Famously, until 1903, every bottle of Coca-Cola contained 9 mg of cocaine, available to children and adults alike with no restrictions. Now…
Miki Finn
July 5, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionInpatient Addiction Treatment Program

What to Expect from a 30-Day Addiction Treatment Program

There are so many addiction treatment programs to choose from nowadays; it can be a lot to take in. For many, a 30-day treatment program remains the standard and can be tremendously beneficial in jump-starting recovery. It is ideal for those who may at first be reluctant to enroll in a rehab program. Whether you are struggling with an alcohol or drug use disorder, an intensive, residential 30-day treatment program…
Miki Finn
June 22, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionTeen Addiction

Importance of a Teen Drug Rehab Center

If your teen struggles with substance abuse or addiction, the problem may have created numerous repercussions for the whole family. It's only natural to want to get rehab info on the proper teen drug addiction treatment program in order to restore happiness and peace to your household. If you're worried about your teen, learn how to spot signs of addiction and enroll them in a local teen drug rehab. At…
Miki Finn
June 21, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxDrug Addiction

What to Look for in a Detox Center for Teens

The human brain is complex, with countless pieces of the puzzle evolving from birth through the mid-20s. Every segment or center within the brain develops in its own time. Babies learn to babble before they learn to talk in sentences, and there is a great deal of nuanced development between those two benchmarks. Similarly, the teen brain does not move toward its adult form all at once. The pleasure centers…
Miki Finn
June 16, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionHeroin Addiction Treatment Center

Importance of Professional Treatment for Heroin Addiction

Despite the increase in awareness and education about opiates, heroin addiction is still rising in the United States. Genetics plays a role in who will become addicted, but that is not the only factor putting Americans at risk. As long as people continue to suffer from trauma, poverty, isolation, and violence, they will be vulnerable to addiction. Our heroin addiction treatment programs offer solutions for those who live in Pennsylvania…
Miki Finn
June 15, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionTeen Addiction

3 Ways Social Media Impacts Teen Drug Use

Among the countless ways the world has transformed in the last fifty years, the advent of the internet opened the door to a cascade of cultural changes that affect all aspects of society. Social media is one of the most pervasively influential innovations of the last few decades in teen culture. At Naaman (Naaman), therapists and teens over the age of 18 in our teen drug addiction treatment program thoughtfully…
Miki Finn
June 14, 2021