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Drug Addiction

AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol AddictionDrug Addiction

6 Facts About Drug and Alcohol Addiction for National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week in 2022 is from March 21 to March 27. This time is set aside to recognize the critical nature of drug and alcohol use disorders and disseminate facts about addiction in every community and neighborhood, rural or urban, in every state in the US. The more people who understand the disease of addiction, the more we can break down the stigma that gets in…
Miki Finn
March 29, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug Addictionprescription medication treatment

3 Signs You’re Addicted to Prescribed Pills

The most commonly abused prescription medications fall into three categories: depressants, opioids, and stimulants. Whether it's a barbiturate prescribed for sleep or anxiety, an opioid used in pain management, or amphetamines to treat ADHD – numerous prescription psychoactive medications can be abused and are potentially addictive. The epidemic of prescription drug use disorders means that people need access to quality prescription medication treatment programs. If you or someone you know…
Miki Finn
February 24, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsCocaine AddictionDrug Addiction

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication?

Cocaine’s stimulant qualities are what appeal to those who use it. Before anyone realized how addictive and dangerous the drug could be, it was in over-the-counter medications and even, briefly, in Coca-Cola. Many people who use this drug feel it makes them more confident, effective, and likable. The euphoric effects tempt users to keep using, which all too often leads to chemical dependence and ultimately addiction, while the symptoms of…
Miki Finn
February 20, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsCocaine AddictionDrug Addiction

3 Signs You Need Cocaine Addiction Treatment

People first noticed the stimulant properties of cocaine in the mid-1800s, when the drug expanded its reach out of hospitals and into the hands of recreational users. Cocaine abuse hit its peak in the 1970s and 80s, which is also when the form of cocaine known as crack came into use. Cocaine continues to lead to addiction in the United States. In fact, about 38 million American adults report having…
Miki Finn
February 16, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxDrug AddictionHeroin Addiction Treatment Center

What Are the Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal?

Seeking heroin treatment for addiction is a lifesaving decision and an essential first step in recovery. Although heroin use is still on the rise in the United States, only about 1 in 10 people who suffer from heroin use disorder end up seeking and receiving help at a heroin treatment center. If you or someone you care about is suffering from heroin addiction, do not hesitate. To learn more about…
Miki Finn
December 7, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxDrug AddictionHeroin Addiction Treatment Center

What Is Heroin Treatment?

The risk of addiction is there as soon as someone experiments with heroin. Because of how this opiate operates in the brain, the progression from use to tolerance to dependence and addiction can happen very quickly. The sooner people who are concerned about heroin use disorder begin heroin treatment, the better. If you are concerned about your heroin use or the possibility that someone you care about is becoming addicted,…
Miki Finn
December 5, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyDrug AddictionDual DiagnosisMental HealthOutpatient Addiction Treatment Program

How Social Anxiety Can Affect Relationships

Social anxiety disorder affects nearly 10% of American youth and about 7% of adults. Education regarding the links between social anxiety and drug abuse can help prevent addiction before it begins. However, the most common reason people with social anxiety drink or take drugs is as a form of self-medication. Reducing symptoms through substance use allows people with social anxiety to engage in life but with negative consequences. The best…
Miki Finn
November 22, 2021
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionOpioid Addiction

Prescription Medication Withdrawal Symptoms

Oxycontin, generically known as oxycodone, was approved by the FDA for medical use in 1995. The drug manufacturers' assurances that it was not particularly addictive meant physicians prescribed it readily for their patients. Many traced the current opioid epidemic to when doctors often wrote prescriptions for synthetic opioids for pain. Prescription medication treatment centers treat those who find themselves addicted to painkillers. One such prescription drug detox and treatment center…
Miki Finn
November 16, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxDrug AddictionMental Health

Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

Someone who seeks serious pain management or wants to get high often turns to an opioid. These substances may include heroin, prescription pain medication, or morphine. Opioids impact the brain, impairing its ability to function and produce specific chemicals, quickly leading to cravings and dependence. The only way to return to its original functioning is to go through withdrawal. Attending our Pennsylvania opioid detox center could be the next step…
Miki Finn
October 24, 2021
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol Addiction Treatment CenterDrug AddictionMental HealthTeen Addiction

How to Deal with Withdrawal

There is one thing that everyone in addiction recovery has in common. They all went through withdrawal. Whatever path someone takes en route to sobriety, whether it’s a 12-step program, a short-term inpatient program, or outpatient rehab, withdrawal must come first. As long as there remains any lingering drug or alcohol in the body, recovery cannot begin. Going through withdrawal is not easy. But coping with withdrawal symptoms can be…
Miki Finn
October 16, 2021