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AnxietyDepressionMental Health

How to Stop Self Harm

Children are born into an unfamiliar world. Their parents hope they feel safe and loved, and will always have access to comfort and protection when needed. But no matter how much parents want to protect their children from setbacks, hardships, pain, and heartbreak, they can’t. By the time children reach adolescence, the challenges and stressors they face in the modern world are manifold. Some teens turn to self-harming behaviors for…
Miki Finn
April 5, 2023
AnxietyDepressionMental Health

Safely Addressing Self-Harm in Teens

Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and deliberate self-harm (DSH) are unfortunately common mental health diagnoses among teens in the US and abroad. It's estimated that more than 15% of teens will self-harm at least once, while only one in five of those who do so will seek or receive therapeutic treatment for these symptoms, or for other disorders that often accompany self-harm, such as anxiety or depression. Self-harm in teens is a…
Miki Finn
March 1, 2023
AnxietyDepressionDual DiagnosisMental Health

Anxiety Symptoms in Teens

The fears and worries of children with anxiety often focus on things outside themselves, like the dark, wild animals, monsters, or scary things happening to the people they love. During adolescence, anxiety usually shifts inward and often looks like perfectionism. Worrying about their appearance, grades, and being liked can amplify into severe anxiety or even result in panic attacks. Managing anxiety in teens can be very difficult without professional support,…
Miki Finn
January 9, 2023
AnxietyDepressionMental HealthTeen AddictionTherapy

The Importance of Recognizing Self Harm

Humans and animals instinctively protect themselves from harm because survival is hardwired into the DNA of all sentient beings. But psychological harm or illness can interfere with what one might assume to be a given. Nearly one-fifth of all people will self-harm at some point in their lifetimes. Most who do so are teenagers. Self-harm is a disorder that goes by two names. It is known as deliberate self-harm (DSH)…
Miki Finn
December 26, 2022
AnxietyDepressionMental Health

Signs of Self-Harm in Teens

Self-harm, also known as non-suicidal self-injury, or NSSI, is a compulsive behavior usually in response to depression, anxiety, and/or extreme stress. Teens are the most common sufferers of this mental health disorder, with more than one in 10 teens engaging in at least one act of self-harm. NSSI often co-occurs with other mental health disorders. For instance, self-harm and depression are commonly diagnosed together, as are self-harm and anxiety or…
Miki Finn
November 16, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyTherapy

5 CBT Coping Strategies to Help with Stress

Even if you or a loved one isn’t struggling with addiction, you may have heard about cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This is a form of therapeutic care that’s used in the treatment of many mental health issues. Truthfully, many professionals include teaching CBT coping strategies to their patients because CBT is traditional, evidence-based, and usually helpful. Cognitive-behavioral techniques for stress, in particular, are popular. CBT has also been found effective for…
Miki Finn
April 25, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyDual Diagnosisresidential addiction treatment

5 Signs of an Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is something everyone experiences at least once in their life. It is the mind's natural response to a situation that is stressful. Most people, however, find the anxiety disappearing once they get through the situation, or even when they understand the situation better. With other people, anxiety is a daily problem, and it doesn't have to be related to anything. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in…
Miki Finn
March 17, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyDrug AddictionDual DiagnosisMental HealthOutpatient Addiction Treatment Program

How Social Anxiety Can Affect Relationships

Social anxiety disorder affects nearly 10% of American youth and about 7% of adults. Education regarding the links between social anxiety and drug abuse can help prevent addiction before it begins. However, the most common reason people with social anxiety drink or take drugs is as a form of self-medication. Reducing symptoms through substance use allows people with social anxiety to engage in life but with negative consequences. The best…
Miki Finn
November 22, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyDual Diagnosis

Can Social Anxiety Impact Teen Drug Abuse?

The links between mental health and substance use are well-documented. Teens and others who are affected by depression or anxiety are often diagnosed with a co-occurring addiction. People who struggle with anxiety or depression may self-medicate to alleviate symptoms. Social anxiety disorder is a common form of chronic anxiety, affecting nearly 10% of American youth. Education regarding the links between social anxiety and drug abuse can help parents and educators…
Miki Finn
June 9, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyDual Diagnosis

How the Holidays Impact Social Anxiety

Those who struggle with social anxiety disorder feel uncomfortable in large crowds or with people they don't know. As a result, holiday celebrations become sources of frustration and anxiety. Office parties may spark fear, and even something as simple as meeting friends at a local restaurant may cause unusual levels of distress. In its simplest form, social anxiety is an intense, persistent fear of being judged by others and found…
Miki Finn
December 21, 2020