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AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsCocaine Addiction

How Cocaine Treatment Could Help Your Relationships

Millions of Americans report having used cocaine in their lifetimes. While the number of people addicted to either cocaine or crack, a smokable form of cocaine, has gone down slightly since the early 2000s, this addiction still affects millions every year. Cocaine addiction damages the lives of cocaine abusers and their families. If you are worried about your use of cocaine and its damage to your relationships, please consider cocaine…
Miki Finn
November 8, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxDrug AddictionMental Health

Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

Someone who seeks serious pain management or wants to get high often turns to an opioid. These substances may include heroin, prescription pain medication, or morphine. Opioids impact the brain, impairing its ability to function and produce specific chemicals, quickly leading to cravings and dependence. The only way to return to its original functioning is to go through withdrawal. Attending our Pennsylvania opioid detox center could be the next step…
Miki Finn
October 24, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsMental HealthTherapy

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

Although a drug habit begins due to behaviors triggered by life experience, addiction is not a habit. It is an illness of the brain that is chronic and incurable. However, with proper treatment, it is possible to manage your addiction. The cycle of addiction is a function of numerous elements that play out in a perfect storm. Professional drug treatment is the best and safest way to break the cycle…
Miki Finn
October 10, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsMental Health

Addiction Severity Index

People who suffer from substance misuse, dependence, and addiction fall on an addiction severity continuum. Where someone falls on that continuum will not change the fact that they will need an addiction treatment center program. However, it may affect decisions about what kind of treatment will be best. Professional counselors can administer the addiction severity index (ASI) and assess your substance use to help you get the best available treatment.…
Miki Finn
October 6, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsMental HealthTherapy

How to Achieve Whole Recovery

While most experts consider addiction to be a mental health condition, it involves the entire body as well as mind and spirit. Effective addiction treatment must involve the whole person to achieve complete recovery. Are you thinking about seeking addiction recovery help for yourself or someone you love? If so, find a treatment center that will address the whole you, with programs and offerings that include evidence-based treatments such as…
Miki Finn
October 2, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsHeroin Addiction Treatment Center

How Heroin Addiction Treatment Helps Fight the Opioid Epidemic

Heroin and other opiates have been around for a long time. Still, it was with the introduction of Oxycontin and other synthetic opioids in the late 1990s when the opioid epidemic took off. Pharmaceutical manufacturers were less than transparent about the addictiveness of these substances, and as a result, doctors confidently prescribed them to patients suffering from acute or chronic pain. Today there are more than 100 deaths per day…
Miki Finn
July 6, 2021
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionFentanyl Addiction

Seeking Treatment for Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl has been around for a while, but it's in the news more and more as our opioid crisis worsens. This medication is a synthetic narcotic 50 to 100 times more potent than the opium derivative, morphine. Fentanyl is one of the most potent opioids in existence. A fentanyl overdose can easily result in death, and the drug is so powerful that a single-use can lead to addiction. To complicate…
Miki Finn
April 7, 2021
AddictionDual DiagnosisMental Health

How Teens Can Benefit from Dual Diagnosis Treatment

The mental health and substance use risks for teens are in many ways unique to their stage of life. Though on the cusp of adulthood, their mental, physical, and psychological development are on hyper-drive, and the challenges they face in today's fast-paced, globally-connected world are significant. Naaman (Naaman) has been at the forefront of addiction recovery since its founding in 1958. Our mission has always been to keep a careful…
Miki Finn
March 22, 2021
AddictionDual DiagnosisMental Health

Getting Help For Addiction And Mental Health

In the past, there was a significant stigma that surrounded mental health issues. Now, this stigma has started to fade. This has given rise to numerous resources for serious conditions that previously did not have many options. That has also led to the increase in dual diagnosis treatment facilities. A dual diagnosis facility is a place that is designed to help people who suffer from both mental health issues and…
Miki Finn
March 1, 2021
AddictionAlcohol AddictionAlcohol Addiction Treatment Center

5 Signs You Have a Problem with Alcohol

There are various signs and symptoms of a drinking problem. Some are easy to recognize, while others are more subtle. In addition, the severity of a person’s drinking problem can make the warning signs more obvious. However, mild alcohol abuse, or high-functioning alcoholics, are often overlooked. Unfortunately, what seems to be minor issues become worse over time. This is why it is so important to seek treatment from a professional…
Miki Finn
February 26, 2021