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Studies show numerous positive results from faith-based rehab programs. Naaman (Naaman) offers a faith-based rehab that supports those who seek God’s grace to overcome addiction. At our faith-based addiction treatment program, many people have found sobriety and reclaimed their faith. If you’d like more information about our addiction rehab program options rooted in faith, call us now at 888.541.9239 or use our online form.

Do You Need a Christian Rehab Program?

Perhaps you grew up in a Christian home. You learned the beauty of faith practices that were much more than traditions. They were guiding signposts to a relationship that gave your life structure, meaning, and depth. As a young teenager, you may have volunteered at your church’s soup kitchen and shared your faith in God with those who came for meals and fellowship. But as time went on, somewhere along the way, you may have faltered. Perhaps you turned towards drug use, seeking the false euphoria of stimulants to mask depression and anxiety rather than seeking help from the Lord. Perhaps you’ve felt lonely and far from God. These feelings may have made you turn to narcotics even more.

All over the world, countless people are guided through life by religious faith. They turn to scripture for support and wisdom and use prayer to connect with a higher power. However, addiction challenges spiritual convictions and the comfort and a sense of purpose that comes along with them. Those who suffer from substance use disorders often stumble and fall away from their faith. Like you, many people feel lost. For such people, a faith-based addiction treatment program is powerfully effective.

Benefits of a Christian Drug Rehab

At Naaman, our faith-based addiction treatment program helps those suffering from substance use disorders use their faith in God to understand and treat their addiction. The most vital aspects of a Christian program include:

  • Relapse prevention: There is evidence that those who seek to strengthen their connection to God and their faith through their recovery transition more successfully back to daily life, with decreased incidence of relapse. Awareness of a higher power in their lives allows rehabilitating clients to feel supported in their sobriety.
  • Faith-centered sober living: In a Christian program, clients in recovery experience sober living facilities with others who share their faith. The comfort and security of this setting are vital for the recovery process.
  • Faith-based support and mentorship: In addition to receiving clinical treatment, clients can grow spiritually in a support network of like-minded individuals. In addition, mentorship sets clients on a path away from old habits toward one of wellness and regeneration.
  • Healing in faith: Finding inner strength, peace of mind, and sustaining practices take place when clients tap into a divine power that will be by their side throughout recovery.

At Naaman, we offer all the above, as well as 12-step options. Faith-based rehab aligns perfectly with the principles of a 12-step program. Proven effective in combating the disease of addiction, a 12-step program uses spiritual principles and a systematic progression through the steps to reach secure and lasting sobriety.

Who Should Consider a Christian Drug Rehab?

Christian drug rehab is a great option for those who want to heal their addiction and grow spiritually. If you feel a connection to God and would like to explore how your faith can help you recover, this type of program may be perfect for you.

Naaman (Naaman) offers a faith-based rehab that we have designed to help clients seek God’s grace to overcome addiction. At Naaman, our program offers clients an opportunity for a spiritual awakening that can lead to lasting sobriety. We offer a faith-based drug rehab for a number of substance use disorders, including:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Meth addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Opiate addiction
  • Benzodiazepine addiction

Our admissions counselors are available 24/7 to help you get started on your journey to sobriety. We will help you take the first steps to recovery and create a unique treatment program based on your needs.

Learn More with Naaman

At Naaman, we believe faith and a relationship with Jesus change everything and improve the likelihood of long-term recovery. We also understand that no one can recover from addiction alone. The first step in recovery is admitting that you need help. Come to Naaman, where your faith can set you free from your addiction. With faith as the cornerstone of your recovery, the future is bright. Call us today at 888.541.9239 or use our online form. Our remarkable team of compassionate professionals is standing by to shepherd you along your path to sobriety as you recommit to your faith.

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