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Miki Finn

Addiction Treatment ProgramsInpatient Addiction Treatment Program

3 Reasons to Participate in Family Therapy

Many components make up successful drug and alcohol treatment programs. For many people, family therapy is a part of that process. This treatment is when you work closely with your family unit to learn about your addiction and develop a path forward. There are many benefits to family therapy. The most obvious is that it provides a support system for the person with the addiction. Family members can offer encouragement…
Miki Finn
March 15, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol AddictionAlcohol Addiction Treatment Center

Importance Of An Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center

Because it is legal and so common in our culture, alcohol poses a unique risk for both young people and adults. Alcohol abuse can come in many forms such as binge drinking. Once an individual develops a dependency or addiction, they'll need professional help to heal and recover properly. If you're facing an addiction to alcohol, it can be very hard to get past that addiction and back to living…
Miki Finn
March 13, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug Addictionprescription medication treatment

3 Signs You’re Addicted to Prescribed Pills

The most commonly abused prescription medications fall into three categories: depressants, opioids, and stimulants. Whether it's a barbiturate prescribed for sleep or anxiety, an opioid used in pain management, or amphetamines to treat ADHD – numerous prescription psychoactive medications can be abused and are potentially addictive. The epidemic of prescription drug use disorders means that people need access to quality prescription medication treatment programs. If you or someone you know…
Miki Finn
February 24, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsCocaine AddictionDrug Addiction

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication?

Cocaine’s stimulant qualities are what appeal to those who use it. Before anyone realized how addictive and dangerous the drug could be, it was in over-the-counter medications and even, briefly, in Coca-Cola. Many people who use this drug feel it makes them more confident, effective, and likable. The euphoric effects tempt users to keep using, which all too often leads to chemical dependence and ultimately addiction, while the symptoms of…
Miki Finn
February 20, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsInpatient Addiction Treatment Programresidential addiction treatment

What to Expect from a Short-Term Clinical Program

Our short-term addiction treatment model has long been a standard approach to the start of recovery. There are numerous other options nowadays. However, a short-term clinical program remains an effective care model for many people suffering from substance use disorders. If you are looking at our short-term treatment programs to see if one might be right for you, you are on the path to recovery already. We don't offer 30-day…
Miki Finn
February 18, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsCocaine AddictionDrug Addiction

3 Signs You Need Cocaine Addiction Treatment

People first noticed the stimulant properties of cocaine in the mid-1800s, when the drug expanded its reach out of hospitals and into the hands of recreational users. Cocaine abuse hit its peak in the 1970s and 80s, which is also when the form of cocaine known as crack came into use. Cocaine continues to lead to addiction in the United States. In fact, about 38 million American adults report having…
Miki Finn
February 16, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsHeroin Addiction Treatment CenterOpioid Addiction

3 Major Side Effects of Heroin Addiction

More than two million people sign up for addiction treatment every year. Sadly, that is only about one-tenth of the people who need it. As the incidence of substance use disorders rises, the stigma around addiction and the lack of knowledge about how rehab works are barriers to people receiving help. For those with a heroin use disorder, heroin addiction treatment is vital in achieving sobriety. Don’t let fear or…
Miki Finn
February 14, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol Addiction Treatment CenterDetox

What Are the Benefits of Alcohol Detox?

Many people seeking help for an alcohol use disorder often ask why they can't undergo the process without attending an alcohol detox center. This option may be possible for a small number of individuals, but most of those seeking alcohol detox fare much better in a supervised program. Alcohol detox is one of the most dangerous processes, and it can be even more physically dangerous than detoxing from drugs such…
Miki Finn
February 12, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol AddictionAlcohol Addiction Treatment Center

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Abuse?

If you're worried about the signs of alcohol abuse and think you might be experiencing them, it's time to reach out and get some help so you can live a better life. At Naaman, we can help you get the support you deserve and the treatment you need to have a future that's clean and sober. You don't need to settle for anything less than that. At our facilities, we…
Miki Finn
February 10, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsInpatient Addiction Treatment Programresidential addiction treatment

4 Benefits of Residential Treatment

Stepping away from your family and friends for an extended period of time for residential treatment seems like it would be so hard. It is a challenge, but the residential treatment benefits are numerous and can provide you with the very best way for you to start on the path towards recovery. At Naaman, we believe this is the right first step for many people. Is it best for you?…
Miki Finn
February 8, 2022