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Miki Finn

AnxietyDepressionMental HealthTeen AddictionTherapy

The Importance of Recognizing Self Harm

Humans and animals instinctively protect themselves from harm because survival is hardwired into the DNA of all sentient beings. But psychological harm or illness can interfere with what one might assume to be a given. Nearly one-fifth of all people will self-harm at some point in their lifetimes. Most who do so are teenagers. Self-harm is a disorder that goes by two names. It is known as deliberate self-harm (DSH)…
Miki Finn
December 26, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsCognitive-Behavioral TherapyTherapy

5 Benefits of Behavioral Therapy

Since the first behavioral therapies were developed early in the last century, psychologists have understood that negative, unhealthy, or destructive behaviors can be changed by shifting the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that underlie human behavior. Behavioral therapy was originally developed for mental health diagnoses, but it has been established as being highly effective for addiction as well. When there are co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, behavioral therapies are…
Miki Finn
December 5, 2022
AnxietyDepressionMental Health

Signs of Self-Harm in Teens

Self-harm, also known as non-suicidal self-injury, or NSSI, is a compulsive behavior usually in response to depression, anxiety, and/or extreme stress. Teens are the most common sufferers of this mental health disorder, with more than one in 10 teens engaging in at least one act of self-harm. NSSI often co-occurs with other mental health disorders. For instance, self-harm and depression are commonly diagnosed together, as are self-harm and anxiety or…
Miki Finn
November 16, 2022
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsHeroin Addiction Treatment Center

Effects of Heroin on the Brain

In the US, heroin was originally used in pain relief, along with morphine which is, like heroin, also derived from the opium poppy. However, heroin became illegal in 1924 when its highly addictive qualities were realized. Morphine, much less potent, is still in use today for medical purposes. Heroin and other opiates, like all recreational psychoactive drugs, operate within the brain to create a euphoric high for those who use…
Miki Finn
November 1, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcohol Addiction Treatment Center

Binge Drinking in Teens

Teenagers aren't of legal age to drink alcohol. Unfortunately, consuming alcohol is portrayed in the media as being cool, fun, and even thrilling. Teens believe alcohol will make them more interesting and fun to be with, freer, happier, and less scared. And they aren't wrong. Alcohol can loosen them up and, for a short time, feel good. Unfortunately, it's much less common for teens to be exposed to reality-based portrayals…
Miki Finn
October 17, 2022
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionOutpatient Addiction Treatment Program

5 Benefits of Outpatient Rehab

Addiction is a disease that affects over 20 million Americans each year. People can be vulnerable to addiction either because of genetic propensity, social pressures, mental health challenges, or a combination of these and other factors. If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD), help is available. Professional treatment for SUDs, either outpatient or inpatient, offers you the best chance for successful long-term recovery…
Miki Finn
September 12, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDual DiagnosisMental Health

How Addiction Can Impact Mental Health

When addiction and mental health disorders co-exist, they are called co-occurring disorders. These overlapping diagnoses make treatment all the more important and also challenging. But in a dual diagnosis treatment program, you can receive the needed help. Addiction and mental health therapists work together to address both disorders simultaneously under a coordinated treatment plan. To learn more about dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders, reach out to Pennsylvania Adult &…
Miki Finn
August 15, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug Addiction

How to Stop Painkiller Abuse

Prescription painkillers have played a major role in the opioid epidemic since the introduction of oxycodone, or Oxy, in the 1990s as an allegedly safe and non-addictive pain-reliever. In time, it became clear that Oxy is as addictive as other opioids, and the spike in the abuse of prescription pain medications at that time was notable. For anyone struggling with painkiller abuse or prescription drug addiction, Pennsylvania Adult & Teen…
Miki Finn
August 10, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol AddictionDetox

Understanding the Stages of Detox

There is no addiction recovery without the very first step: withdrawal. When you stop drinking or using drugs, your body has to adjust. This process of withdrawal is challenging because addiction also means dependence. Your body and brain have become physically dependent on drugs and/or alcohol and must now relearn how to function clean. Knowing what to expect when you enter a professional detox program helps you prepare. The benefits…
Miki Finn
August 8, 2022
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsInpatient Addiction Treatment Programresidential addiction treatment

Finding the Right Residential Addiction Treatment in Rehresburg, PA

Residential addiction treatment is a proven avenue for those who seek recovery from a substance use disorder. The intensity and focus of an inpatient rehab allow for immersion in therapies and access to 24/7 care and support. Deciding to pursue recovery at a residential addiction treatment center is significant, and you don't need to make it alone. Reach out to Pennsylvania Adult and Teen Challenge (PAATC) to learn how inpatient…
Miki Finn
July 13, 2022