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Miki Finn

Addiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol AddictionAlcohol Addiction Treatment Center

How Long Does Alcohol Withdrawal Last?

Alcohol abuse affects millions of Americans a year, not just those who suffer from addiction. Traffic accidents caused by driving under the influence are one of the most significant preventable causes of death in the US. When people suffer from the disease of alcohol addiction, it can shatter their lives and those of the people who love them. Family, health, financial stability, and career can all suffer due to long-term…
Miki Finn
March 15, 2023
AnxietyDepressionMental Health

Safely Addressing Self-Harm in Teens

Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and deliberate self-harm (DSH) are unfortunately common mental health diagnoses among teens in the US and abroad. It's estimated that more than 15% of teens will self-harm at least once, while only one in five of those who do so will seek or receive therapeutic treatment for these symptoms, or for other disorders that often accompany self-harm, such as anxiety or depression. Self-harm in teens is a…
Miki Finn
March 1, 2023
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionPCP

PCP Withdrawal Symptoms

Phencyclidine, or PCP as it is commonly known, has been around since the 1950s. Originally formulated as an IV anesthetic, the agitating and hallucinogenic effects led to medical professionals discontinuing its use. Unfortunately, that was not the end of PCP. However, it has been available on the street market ever since and is dangerous and addictive. For those who find themselves addicted to PCP, the only way to loosen the…
Miki Finn
March 1, 2023
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxHeroin Addiction Treatment CenterWithdrawal

Can You Die from Heroin Withdrawal?

Can you die from heroin withdrawal? The short answer is yes, you can, but you don't have to. In rehab, you can live through it and start recovery in a safe environment. Will that journey be easy? Perhaps not, but it's well worth it. Do you need to know more about a heroin detox program in Pennsylvania? Call us today at or contact us online. Taking the First Step Toward…
Miki Finn
February 28, 2023
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsMeth Addiction

Meth and Mental Health

Methamphetamines are part of a highly addictive class of central nervous system stimulants. Known colloquially as meth, this drug can mask, mute, or trigger mental health symptoms. Whether someone uses meth to self-medicate or whether meth abuse uncovers an underlying predisposition to a mental health disorder, the side effects of meth use are dangerous enough in their own right to cause concern. Any abuse of or addiction to meth should…
Miki Finn
February 26, 2023
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment Programs

Importance of DBT for Addiction

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is considered extremely effective in the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs), including in dual diagnosis treatment, when a mental health disorder co-occurs with addiction. This form of behavioral therapy has been around since the 1970s, when Marsha Lineman, a psychologist, developed it using principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Originally used for borderline personality disorder, its efficacy for other mental health diagnoses as well as addiction…
Miki Finn
February 13, 2023
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsInpatient Addiction Treatment ProgramOutpatient Addiction Treatment ProgramTeen Addiction

Social Media and Teens: What are the Risks?

If you have teenagers in the house, you want to do what you can to keep them safe while still giving them the freedom they need to explore their world. That can be a difficult balance to find, but it's possible. One of the biggest concerns you probably have is with social media and teens. No longer a fad, various social media platforms have become everyday aspects of modern living.…
Miki Finn
February 1, 2023
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsOpioid AddictionTeen Addiction

Recognizing Opioid Abuse in Teens

Close to a million teens abuse opioids every year. However, not all of them become addicted. Opioids are highly addictive, and teens are vulnerable to addiction because the parts of the brain involved in making judgments and avoiding risks aren't fully developed in teens. If you see signs that your teen may be abusing opioids, whether it’s prescription painkillers or street drugs like heroin or fentanyl, look for a reputable…
Miki Finn
January 16, 2023
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxDrug AddictionHeroin Addiction Treatment Center

3 Advantages of Heroin Detox Before Addiction Treatment

Among younger Americans, heroin abuse has doubled in the last decade. The term "opioid crisis" barely conveys the seriousness of the emergency. Heroin addiction endangers more than 600,000 Americans, a number that does not take into account other opioid addictions. Approximately 15,000 die in this country every year from a heroin overdose. Heroin, one of the most addictive substances there is, ruins lives and ends them. At Pennsylvania Adult &…
Miki Finn
January 16, 2023
AnxietyDepressionDual DiagnosisMental Health

Anxiety Symptoms in Teens

The fears and worries of children with anxiety often focus on things outside themselves, like the dark, wild animals, monsters, or scary things happening to the people they love. During adolescence, anxiety usually shifts inward and often looks like perfectionism. Worrying about their appearance, grades, and being liked can amplify into severe anxiety or even result in panic attacks. Managing anxiety in teens can be very difficult without professional support,…
Miki Finn
January 9, 2023