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Miki Finn

Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyDual DiagnosisMental Health

The Stress of Online Learning on Teens

Online learning is more stressful for some families than it is for others. And when teenagers are the ones learning online, problems often become more frightening than they would otherwise. Teens are notoriously social creatures, and when they must learn from home, they may feel lonely or cut-off from the rest of the world. For these reasons, if your teenager is currently attending school online, it's essential to help them…
Miki Finn
December 15, 2020
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsMental Health

Impact of Online Learning on Parents in Recovery

Structure plays a huge role in recovery from addiction. As a result, when children must transition from a regular school day to online learning, it can throw parents in recovery quite the curveball. When you're used to waking at a certain time, making breakfast, and putting children on a school bus, sudden changes may be unnerving. This is especially true for those in recovery. If this describes you, it's essential to…
Miki Finn
December 14, 2020
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment Programs

The Addiction Definition

Addiction isn't always about drugs and alcohol. Substance use disorder is the one we hear about most, however. As a result, when someone mentions having a friend or family member who struggles with addiction, we may first assume they're battling a dependency on opioid drugs, alcohol, or methamphetamine. In truth, someone with the right risk factors may become "hooked" on other people, activities, or behaviors, as well. If someone you…
Miki Finn
December 10, 2020
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDual DiagnosisMental Health

4 Signs of Self-Medication in a Loved One

Do you worry that your loved one may experiment with self-medication? Generally, this is the act of taking a chemical substance or prescription medication without a doctor's direct order. If you've ever taken a friend's tranquilizer to calm yourself before a big meeting, you've self-medicated. Likewise, if you've ever watched a friend try to drink away a memory, you've witnessed the act of self-medication. Using any chemical substance to make…
Miki Finn
December 3, 2020
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment Programs

How to Choose an Addiction Rehab Center for Your Loved One

Your loved one has made the brave decision to get help for their addiction. Now you want to help them find the best addiction rehab center possible to help them get clean. How can you do this? If you haven't known anyone who went through the program, you can't rely on personal recommendations. Choosing the right addiction rehab center is critical. It is here that you will build the foundation…
Miki Finn
November 24, 2020
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionDual DiagnosisMental Health

The Dangers of the Current Benzo Shortage

Many doctors prescribe benzos to address addiction and other mental health conditions. In addition, those going through alcohol withdrawal may use the medication to help ease symptoms. COVID-19 has caused an increase in the number of patients seeking treatment for anxiety. In the meantime, the supply chain has been interrupted, and it is becoming more challenging to get the medication. This challenge has created a danger for many. Benzo addiction…
Miki Finn
November 22, 2020
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment Programs

4 Ways to Have a Sober Halloween

Halloween can be a risky holiday for many people. If you are using to spending time with your friends drinking or using your favorite drug, but now you’re in recovery, you may feel vulnerable. The key to a sober Halloween is to make it different, unique, and a lot of fun so that you do not feel as though you have missed out on anything. When you come to Naaman,…
Miki Finn
October 19, 2020