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Miki Finn

Addiction Recovery

3 Sober Activities for Loved Ones

If your loved one has recently begun their journey toward sobriety, your support is crucial. While normal family activities will still occur, your loved one needs your patience and consideration. Sobriety is a lifelong battle that requires a reliable support system. One of the best ways you can support your loved one is by planning sober activities. These activities will aid in their sober living and ensure you create positive…
Miki Finn
January 20, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment Programs

Should My Family Be Involved in My Addiction Treatment Program?

If you or your loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, this may be a frightening time for you. You know you need to seek addiction treatment, but you're concerned about your family as well. You're wondering if you should choose an addiction treatment program that involves your family or whether you or your loved one who has an addiction should go it alone. You may be embarrassed by…
Miki Finn
January 18, 2021
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol Addiction Treatment Center

3 Benefits of Residential Treatment

Finding an effective treatment program is essential when you or a loved one struggles with alcohol or drug addiction. Residential treatment programs provide a caring environment where those who have an addiction can count on receiving plenty of support. These programs have patients stay in a facility in order to get care around the clock for a few weeks or longer as needed. Knowing more about the benefits of residential treatment can…
Miki Finn
January 15, 2021
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol Addiction

How to Handle Instances of Peer Pressure and Alcohol

One thing that people often misunderstand is that peer pressure does not only affect teenagers. Adults are at risk of bowing to peer pressure as well. Sometimes you may have to involve trained individuals in your struggle to overcome peer pressure. Experts in addiction treatment suggest that alcohol is the second most abused substance after tobacco products like cigarettes. Whether an adult or a teen, you should learn how not…
Miki Finn
January 12, 2021
Drug Addiction

4 Tell-Tale Signs Of Medication Abuse and Addiction

Has a loved one's behavior changed for the worse? Is he or she avoiding you for no apparent reason or refusing to participate in activities that he or she once enjoyed? Have you noticed a loved one's personality change, and you feel as if the best part of him or her went missing? If so, prescription medication abuse may be the root cause of the problem. Symptoms of medication abuse…
Miki Finn
January 10, 2021
Addiction Treatment Programs

Why Choose Addiction Treatment During a Pandemic

The past year has been challenging for those dealing with drug and alcohol addictions with the current pandemic. According to the US government, respondents to a survey in May 2020 showed that drug use was up significantly among those surveyed. Additionally, drug test results also show steep increases. When faced with the COVID-19 lockdowns and lack of work, many people are tempted to turn to their choice of addictive substances…
Miki Finn
January 8, 2021
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol AddictionDrug Addiction

Four Ways Addiction Occurs

Traditional wisdom suggests two basic types of addiction. Either a person is born with the potential for addiction due to genetics, or they develop an addiction with extended substance abuse. Often, the issue becomes a combination of the two. That's a simplified explanation of this condition, but there may be more underlying issues when evaluating each individual's struggle. If someone you love is struggling with an addiction, determining the causes of…
Miki Finn
January 5, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsAnxietyDual Diagnosis

How the Holidays Impact Social Anxiety

Those who struggle with social anxiety disorder feel uncomfortable in large crowds or with people they don't know. As a result, holiday celebrations become sources of frustration and anxiety. Office parties may spark fear, and even something as simple as meeting friends at a local restaurant may cause unusual levels of distress. In its simplest form, social anxiety is an intense, persistent fear of being judged by others and found…
Miki Finn
December 21, 2020
AddictionAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug Addiction

3 Ways Drug Abuse Impacts the Brain

Your brain is your body’s computer. It uses neurons to send and receive messages throughout the central nervous system, including the spine. Nerves branch out from this central system and run throughout the body. They receive messages from the brain that tell them what to do. Therefore, you know to lift your arm to hail a cab or pucker your lips to ready for a kiss. Without messages from the…
Miki Finn
December 17, 2020
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment Programs

How to Choose a Rehab Program for Yourself

Individualization is a guiding principle of addiction treatment. Generally, this means that an addiction rehab program must suit the needs of the individual. What works for your friend may not work for you, in other words. To choose the right rehab program for yourself, explore the many options available, and make your decision based upon those factors you find most important. They're different for everyone. For more information about finding…
Miki Finn
December 16, 2020