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Miki Finn

Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol Addiction Treatment CenterDrug AddictionMental HealthTeen Addiction

How to Deal with Withdrawal

There is one thing that everyone in addiction recovery has in common. They all went through withdrawal. Whatever path someone takes en route to sobriety, whether it’s a 12-step program, a short-term inpatient program, or outpatient rehab, withdrawal must come first. As long as there remains any lingering drug or alcohol in the body, recovery cannot begin. Going through withdrawal is not easy. But coping with withdrawal symptoms can be…
Miki Finn
October 16, 2021
Addiction Treatment ProgramsDetoxFaith-Based TreatmentMental HealthTherapy

What to Do When You Find Out Your Child Is Using Drugs

Parents never want to learn that their child is using drugs. That desire to not know a painful truth is often powerful enough that we overlook certain red flags. It is relatively easy for the mind to make adjustments in what it thinks it sees, to rationalize behaviors and signs as evidence of something else, or nothing at all. This is normal. Once you realize that your child is using…
Miki Finn
October 14, 2021
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsDrug AddictionFaith-Based TreatmentMental Health

Prayers For Someone On Drugs

The power and effectiveness of prayer in addiction recovery are being reaffirmed across the country in numerous recovery settings. In fact, almost three-quarters of rehab options in the US include faith-based addiction treatment programs. Whether part of a 12-step program or used in a residential addiction recovery center, prayer can play an influential role in your recovery. If you seek professional treatment for addiction and want to engage in a…
Miki Finn
October 12, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsMental HealthTherapy

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

Although a drug habit begins due to behaviors triggered by life experience, addiction is not a habit. It is an illness of the brain that is chronic and incurable. However, with proper treatment, it is possible to manage your addiction. The cycle of addiction is a function of numerous elements that play out in a perfect storm. Professional drug treatment is the best and safest way to break the cycle…
Miki Finn
October 10, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsMental Health

Addiction Severity Index

People who suffer from substance misuse, dependence, and addiction fall on an addiction severity continuum. Where someone falls on that continuum will not change the fact that they will need an addiction treatment center program. However, it may affect decisions about what kind of treatment will be best. Professional counselors can administer the addiction severity index (ASI) and assess your substance use to help you get the best available treatment.…
Miki Finn
October 6, 2021
Addiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsAlcohol Addiction Treatment CenterDrug AddictionFaith-Based TreatmentTeen Addiction

Pennsylvania Substance Abuse Counseling

Substance abuse treatment has a checkered history. Just a few hundred years ago, the reigning opinion about those caught in an addiction cycle was rooted in judgment, as people believed that someone had a problem with their morals. There were some early glimmers of a more modern understanding of addiction. In 1784, Benjamin Rush put forth the idea that alcoholism is a disease that can be treated. However, it wasn't…
Miki Finn
October 4, 2021
AddictionAddiction RecoveryAddiction Treatment ProgramsMental HealthTherapy

How to Achieve Whole Recovery

While most experts consider addiction to be a mental health condition, it involves the entire body as well as mind and spirit. Effective addiction treatment must involve the whole person to achieve complete recovery. Are you thinking about seeking addiction recovery help for yourself or someone you love? If so, find a treatment center that will address the whole you, with programs and offerings that include evidence-based treatments such as…
Miki Finn
October 2, 2021
Addiction Treatment Programs

3 Benefits of an Opiate Detox Center

The term “opioid epidemic” refers to the ever-increasing incidence of opiate and opioid addiction that spiked dramatically in the early 1990s with the FDA’s approval of oxycodone as a prescription painkiller. Detox center programs that treat opiate additions see thousands of people every year. These individuals seek recovery and wish to live a sober, healthy, fulfilling life without opiates. Naaman (Naaman) offers a professional, medically supervised opiate detox center in…
Miki Finn
September 20, 2021
Addiction Treatment Programs

Are There Benefits to an Inpatient Rehab Program?

There are distinct benefits of inpatient rehab programs. However, this kind of addiction treatment is often the best way to start a journey of recovery. Protecting your sobriety at the beginning, when it can seem so tenuous, is one of the greatest advantages of residential rehab. The inpatient rehab program at Naaman (Naaman) in Rehersburg, PA offers round-the-clock addiction support. At the same time, they have access to evidence-based treatment…
Miki Finn
September 17, 2021
Addiction Treatment Programs

How to Find Help for Heroin Addiction

A recent estimate tells us that 700,000 Americans are suffering from heroin addiction. If you abuse this potent opiate and struggle to find the path forward, please don't become a statistic. A heroin addiction treatment program can help you. Though it is one part of the overall opioid epidemic that affects millions each year, heroin addiction has been around for generations. This substance is relatively accessible, and it has gone…
Miki Finn
September 13, 2021