The sad truth is, there is no socio-economic, regional, religious, gender, or ethnic group in the United States that is immune to teen drug abuse. According to some of the above categories, there are risk factors of different kinds. However, no magic, vaccine, or lifestyle can provide us with full protection against this disease. If you are worried about teen drug addiction or want to know more about teen drug rehab, let Naaman help you. We have experience treating teens over the age of 18 with all manner of substance use disorders. However, at our drug addiction treatment program through Naaman Center, a subsidiary of Naaman, we can treat teens between the ages of 14-18. Call 888.541.9239 or fill out our online form to begin the conversation.
Reasons Your Child Needs Teen Drug Rehab
There are four categories to pay attention to when trying to figure out if your concerns are baseless or cause further action.
They Are Displaying Worrisome New Behaviors
If your teenager’s regular habits have taken a sudden turn, it may seem like standard “teen stuff.” For instance, they may suddenly display isolated moments of stubbornness, superiority, or sullenness. However, pay close attention if you notice a variety of new behaviors, such as:
- Lack of appetite
- New cravings and increased appetite
- Change in school habits, such as a reduction in effort, truancy, complaints about teachers, reports of misbehavior
- Slipping grades or a failure to report to their job
- New friends, especially at the exclusion of old and/or favorite friends
- Sleep disturbances, either wakefulness at odd hours or habitual nodding off or sleeping through alarms
Just one of these symptoms once in a while may not indicate a problem. However, if they often display several of these symptoms, it may be time to reach out to our treatment program.
2. There Have Been Sudden Changes to Appearance
Does your teen look nearly unrecognizable at times? This can appear to be a red herring as well, because don’t teenagers experiment with their looks and use clothes and hairstyles, tattoos and piercings to rebel or establish their autonomy? Definitely pursue further if you notice your child:
- No longer bathes regularly, smells bad, and/or is chronically disheveled
- Wears long-sleeved shirts on even the hottest days
- Is excessively flushed or pale
- Has bloodshot eyes or pinpoint or dilated pupils
- Develops frequent bloody noses
- Has unexplained scars and wounds
These physical signs can often indicate a major problem that requires immediate treatment.
3. A Range of Challenges at Home
There may be other subtle things to go unnoticed unless you know what you are looking for, such as:
- Damage to the car sans explanation
- Missing prescriptions or over-the-counter drugs
- Missing bottles from the liquor cabinet
- Eye drops, a sudden plethora of butane lighters, or drug paraphernalia like pipes, syringes, or burnt spoons
- Mysterious containers or wrappers
In addition, there may also be more obvious signs of addiction. For instance, a stash of drugs under the bed or a jug of alcohol in a drawer can indicate that your teen requires support.
4. Your Child Has Suddenly Become More Secretive
Parents know their children better than anyone. Though teens demand more independence and privacy than when they were younger, there are still extremes of secretiveness that you may notice if your child is abusing drugs or alcohol. A few to look for:
- Locked doors where they once were open
- Avoiding eye contact
- Disappearing for long periods without your knowing where to
- Stealing money, valuables, drugs
- Sneaking the car keys without permission
If your teen requires treatment for their addiction, Naaman can help.
Contact Naaman Today
Do you think any of the above four reasons for concern apply to your child? If so, don’t wait. Contact Naaman to learn about our teen addiction program. If you live in Pennsylvania or environs, we can be a great option for your teen and your whole family.
Call 888.541.9239 or use our online form to speak to a staff member about our evidence-based treatment for all addictions in our teen drug rehab center.