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3 Signs You Need Cocaine Addiction Treatment

People first noticed the stimulant properties of cocaine in the mid-1800s, when the drug expanded its reach out of hospitals and into the hands of recreational users. Cocaine abuse hit its peak in the 1970s and 80s, which is also when the form of cocaine known as crack came into use. Cocaine continues to lead to addiction in the United States. In fact, about 38 million American adults report having used the drug at least once, and between 5 and 10% of rehab clients enroll for cocaine addiction treatment.

The professional staff at Naaman (Naaman) offers evidence-based cocaine treatment. Our team uses a range of modalities in both residential and outpatient programs. We know about cocaine use disorder and how it can sideline the things that matter and try to steal your future. However, it does not have to be that way. We can help. Do not wait if you are concerned about your cocaine abuse or that of someone you love. Reach out today by calling 888.541.9239 or using our online form.

Three Signs You Need a Cocaine Treatment Program

Those addicted to cocaine crave its physical and mental effects. The lift brings energy boosts as well as feelings of power and self-esteem. These feelings are temporary but seductive. The downside, however, is harsh. The side effects and long-term health consequences are serious. Three significant warning signs that someone needs cocaine addiction treatment are listed below.

  1. Physical symptoms – Many of the physical side effects of chronic abuse will depend on how someone uses cocaine. Snorting it results in nosebleeds, persistent runny nose, sniffling, and sore throat caused by postnasal drip. Smoking crack often causes respiratory illness. Injecting cocaine leaves track marks and scars. Additional physical warning signs are bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, and weight loss.
  2. Mental health symptoms – Binging means a prolonged high ending in a hard crash. Cocaine abusers repeat the cycle again and again, held in the drug’s grip until body and mind give out and must rest. Wild mood swings are common among chronic cocaine abusers, directly related to the highs and lows of the binge cycles. Depression, anxiety, and mania are often part of those wildly vacillating swings. Paranoia and delusional thinking are common among those who need cocaine addiction treatment.
  3. Withdrawal – A sure sign that someone is addicted to cocaine and requires professional treatment is the onset of withdrawal when the drug is missing or withheld for any period of time. Cravings and symptoms like nausea, fever, headache, heart arrhythmia, and hypertension can all be present in even the early stages of withdrawal.

Behavioral signs such as lying or even stealing and fallout such as job loss or shattered relationships are also clues that a serious problem needs professional treatment.

Facts About Cocaine Use Disorder

Derived from the coca plant, for years, even after its stimulant qualities were known, cocaine was considered harmless. People used it medicinally as an energy booster and even included it in the original Coca-Cola recipe. Over-the-counter medicines containing cocaine were available for a range of conditions. However, anecdotal evidence mounted, sparking an investigation by physicians and researchers, who soon discovered the addictive qualities of the drug.

Nowadays, five million Americans abuse cocaine. People engage in binge cycles to maintain the ebullient high and avoid painful crash. Dangerous to numerous body systems, these bingeing episodes involve sustained use over an extended period.

Like many addictive drugs, cocaine interferes with the normal functioning of the brain’s reward centers, which is why physical and psychological dependence are so common. When cocaine in the bloodstream reaches the brain, its introduction overrides the normal production and release of neurotransmitters. The body quickly becomes dependent on cocaine to make the chemistry within the brain work. Pleasure, contentment, attachment, and other feelings of well-being are impossible to experience without more drugs.

Enroll at Naaman

In our cocaine addiction treatment program, the first thing we ensure is that you will go through withdrawal safely and under medical supervision. After that, a team of highly trained and experienced staff provides a range of evidence-based treatment options using your individualized treatment plan.

Whether you require an inpatient or outpatient program, we will ensure that you receive the highest level of care. Please don’t wait to learn more about how we can help you on your road to sobriety. Call today by dialing 888.541.9239, or fill out our online form, and we’ll connect you with someone right away.

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