Teen alcohol use is a significant problem in the United States. Nearly one-third of teens throughout the country have taken their first drink before the age of 15. More than 25% of American teenagers drink alcohol regularly, and about half of those drink heavily enough to be considered addicted to alcohol. While these statistics may be alarming, help is available at your local alcohol detox center. If you or a teen you love is struggling with alcohol addiction, consider the benefits of alcohol detox.
Naaman (Naaman) has programs designed for individuals above the age of 18. If you are worried that someone you love is abusing alcohol, reach out to us today to talk with one of our knowledgeable and compassionate staff members. Use our online form or call 888.541.9239 to learn more about our conveniently located alcohol detox centers in PA.
Alcohol addiction is a lifetime diagnosis but does not have to mean a lifetime of drinking. The best time for a teenager to stop drinking is now before the long-term effects of heavy drinking have a chance to endanger a healthy future.
Teen Alcohol Use and the Need for Alcohol Detox Programs
Because their brains are still growing, alcohol does not affect teens the same way it affects adults. Alcohol is tempting to teens because it reduces social awkwardness and helps them shed inhibitions and fit in more easily with their peers. Teens are prone to binge drinking and alcohol poisoning because their impulse control has not fully matured. The dangers faced by teens drinking alcohol include:
- Alcohol addiction – Teens who begin drinking by age 15 are four times more likely to become addicted than those who wait until age 21 to take their first drink.
- Physical damage to health – Some of the dangers of drinking include increased risk of physical health problems, including heart and central nervous system damage, cirrhosis and liver cancer, and stroke. Heavy drinking among teens can also delay puberty and cause permanent changes in brain development, memory, and learning.
- Suicide and suicidal ideation – These are more prevalent in teens who drink alcohol.
- Fatal accidents – Drowning incidents and automobile accidents among teens are frequently linked to alcohol use.
- Sexual activity – Alcohol contributes to sexual activity among teens at a younger age and increases the risk of having unprotected sex, which could lead to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Violence – Teen drinkers are more likely to commit or be victims of violent crimes, including sexual assault.
If someone you love is struggling with alcohol addiction, it is nearly always best to find an alcohol addiction treatment center, such as the one we offer at Naaman.
3 Benefits of Alcohol Detox for Teens Before Rehab
Once you have identified a drinking problem in your teenager, a professional alcohol rehab facility offers the best options for a healthy recovery and sustained sobriety for your child.
Rehab cannot begin and will not be successful if the teen is still drinking, which is why an alcohol detox program may be necessary. The body must shed all traces of the alcohol and its toxic byproducts through a process that starts immediately after the individual’s last drink. Unfortunately, detox can be scary, painful, and dangerous, causing many people to avoid the process altogether. Undergoing detox in a safe environment under medical care will mitigate all symptoms and risks.
There are three important reasons to enroll your teen in a medically supervised detox:
- Safety – Without medical supervision and management, detox can be unnecessarily brutal. A medical team monitors symptoms such as pain and nausea and treats them with medications as needed. If there are underlying medical or mental health conditions, medical professionals can handle these problems as they arise.
- Stabilization – The professional staff in a detox facility will stabilize your teen’s mental and physical health during the detox period. It is an opportunity to discuss what is happening during withdrawal and look toward post-detox rehab treatment.
- Success – The next steps in alcohol rehabilitation will be ineffective without a successful detox. People who undergo medical detox have much higher rates of long-term success than those who go it alone.
If you believe your teen could benefit from an alcohol detox program, please reach out to Naaman today.
Seek Treatment at Naaman’s Detox Centers in PA
Although many people confuse the two, remember that detox is not the same as rehab. Detox is a physical process, but it does not teach your teen the necessary skills and habits to live a sober life. In an alcohol rehab at Naaman, our residents learn to shift self-destructive behaviors and reclaim their lives, and this allows them to move successfully from dependence to independence.
Our compassionate care is faith-based and backed by evidence and experience. Our top-notch team of trained and caring professionals provides this care for each of our residents. While we do not treat teens under the age of 18, we are proud to provide support for anyone over this age. Reach out to discuss detox options for your teen. Fill out our online form or pick up the phone and dial 888.541.9239 to speak with our caring staff members about enrolling in one of our detox centers in PA.