One of the most effective rehab options for substance use disorders is a short-term 30-day clinical program. This option is an intensive inpatient program designed to create a strong foundation for ongoing recovery. Once you decide to enroll in a 30-day clinical program, you are already on your way to a life of health and sobriety.
To find out more and ask questions about the process, reach out to Naaman (Naaman). Our addiction treatment centers are in Pennsylvania and have been in operation for over sixty years. Our mission is to support the recovery goals of our clients. Reach out today to see how Naaman can help you. Call 888.541.9239 or fill out our online form.
What Is a 30-Day Program Like?
A short-term clinical program in an addiction rehab center like Naaman is, by definition, time-limited. However, no one answer or single timeline works for all, so any client who requires additional time as an inpatient in this program can receive it. A 30-day program for the treatment of addiction starts with a medically supervised detox. The goal of this part of the program is to help you go through withdrawal, during which your body will rid itself of all traces of any addictive substance. We help you manage the symptoms with medications prescribed by physicians. You are also under round-the-clock supervision and care to ensure comfort and safety.
Once you are substance-free, you begin treatment with a range of evidence-based therapies while residing with others on a similar path. You’ll have access to several therapy modalities and other supportive treatments, as well as support groups such as a 12-step program.
Preparing for a Short-Term Clinical Program
Planning to begin rehab treatment is a very complex situation that evokes numerous and usually conflicting feelings. A sense of certainty that you need help may clash with a feeling of dread. Relief to be getting started on your recovery may be in direct conflict with a strong desire to bail because it is so scary. The more prepared you are for what you are about to undertake, the better.
Keep an Open Mind
Your head may be swirling with fears, wonderings, expectations, and hopes. Realize you cannot know what it’s like until you get there but that you chose this short-term clinical program for a reason. Try hard not to invest in outcomes but instead focus on the process.
Be Willing to Work
No one said recovery was going to be a walk in the park. The work can be challenging and emotionally overwhelming. However, you are working with both experts in addiction recovery and peers who are doing the same work you are. Lean on them and realize that your presence also helps others who may struggle.
Be Prepared
Go prepared with a few key items such as:
- Personal identification and cash – ID, insurance card, emergency contact list, and, if appropriate, some petty cash, around $50 to $100.
- Prescriptions – Your rehab center may ask you to turn those in, and they will dispense them to you on schedule. Always bring them in their original prescription bottle.
- An alarm clock – Your phone may be taken for much of the day and returned to you at a certain time for making calls. But you will need an alarm to get you up and going for your morning schedule – and keeping up with the schedule is important!
- Alcohol-free items you need – Some toiletries, including certain shampoos, fragrances, and after-shave, contain alcohol. Prepare for your 30-day program by checking all your must-have items and replacing them with alcohol-free versions if needed.
- Soft and comfy clothes – Make sure you have shoes and clothing that meet any dress code requirements but also make you feel 100% comfortable.
Know the Rules and Commit to Following Them
You may not be a rule-follower by nature. You may chafe at being told where to go and when. Even if the rules seem pointless to you, learning to follow civil guidelines is absolutely part of the lesson of recovery. If you have a set shower time, stick to it. If you are not allowed to wear a hat indoors, don’t. If you have to smoke in designated areas only, that’s what you’ll do. Adhering to rules and standards of etiquette will make the whole process go more smoothly.
Tell yourself that no matter how hard it is some days, you are not going to give up. Remind yourself what addiction is and that its grip can feel like iron. But you have agency over your choices over the 30 days you are in rehab. Commit to your own future.
Find Recovery at Naaman Today
If you still have questions about a 30-day program, reach out to Naaman. Feel comforted to know that during your 30-day stay, you will have 24/7 access to supportive, knowledgeable professionals who can help you manage stress or unexpected challenges. That is our promise. We are here to support you in your journey. Call 888.541.9239 or use our online form today.